Friday, February 11, 2011

Tengo grandes planes para el 2011: Enero*

Item #14 on my 30x30 list involves keeping a monthly photo journal. The Man got me a whizz-bang new photo-making machine for Christmas. I admit, I have not as yet read the User's Manual, but it has a whole heap of fun settings to play with. Here are the results for January....
I don't trust the seagull in the background.

Nothing says childhood nostalgia like dappled light and caravan parks.

The camp vase. Every good campsite needs one.

Bluebottles always make a stroll to the waters edge slightly nerve-racking.

Lunch at Rojo Rocket makes me want to move to Mexico, eat lots of guacamole and revel in intensely-coloured fabrics.

A ghostly evening in Sydney.

An evening at the Spiegeltent.

A moment.

Another moment.

Piggy buns at Chef's Gallery. Oink.


A sunlit spectacle at Mirazozo.

Kobe Jones Bento Box of Deliciousness.

And the month ends with Sufjan Stevens at the Opera House. Where balloons fall from the heavens. It's a little bit special.

* = I have great plans for 2011. Item # 15 on the list- Learn Spanish- is in progress.

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