Friday, July 15, 2011

Tengo grandes planes para el 2011: Junio

June was looooooooong.

If anyone could explain the phenomenon that causes this month to drag on for so damn long it would be A to the Ppreciated. Being a Southern Hemisphere-ite, June signals the start of Winter which could explain this phenomenon. Perhaps if I lived in the Northern Hemisphere, replete with longer daylight hours and rays of warm sunshine, June wouldn't seem so painful. Did I mention that as a teacher, June = report writing and Parent-Teacher Interviews? Are you feeling me now?

Luckily, I live in a mighty pretty city which helps ease some of the June-related pain.

How many photos can one take of this ridiculously good-looking bridge?
And evening blue skies are enough to make anyone's heart sing.....

The Vivid Festival was in town and we went to a gig at the Opera House. The show was late to start so we were shouted a drink by the Opera House. Free drinks? Holler!!

Saw the Mary Poppins musical. A definite June highlight. Nothing makes you reminiscent of your childhood like a little bit of supercalafragalisticexpialidocious...

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